Distinctive- Having or giving style or distinction (a distinctive table setting.) 

Cluster-  A number of similar things that occur together.

This new girl I met at my school was very defiant. I have seen her around before, but I never once talked to her. From what I heard she was very shallow. One day I decided to go up and talk to her because she looked really forlorn. She would not respond back to me almost like I was not standing there talking to her it was preposterous. The next day i was gonna go up to her again and try and start a conversation with the shirt she had on. I figured why not try again and have some perseverance.  So I went up to her and made conversation about her shirt and it worked, I felt like I was hovering over her though so I sat down next to her. After school that day she came over to my house and we went on a walk and it was very stifling with the humidity. 

Vast- Very great in size, amount, or degree.
Horizon- The apparent junction of earth and sky.