Today we read about who Kate Barlow is she was a school teacher a hundred years ago at Greenlake for the kids and the men. There was a guy named Charles that she taught and he always hid on her, but she did not want him. Sam is the guy that sells onions outside the schoolhouse and he is African American. Kate Barlow ended up kissing Sam and somebody saw them and back then that was not allowd. The next day Kate shows up to school and the next thing you know Charles and a bunch of people showed up and threaten her for kissing Sam. She ran out and to the sheriff's office. He would not do anything about it because its the law to not have a black guy kiss any white women. She then ran to Sam told her about what was happening the left and went on Sam's boat. Charles caught up to them and shot Sam and took Kate back to land. Kate ended up going back to the sheriff's office kissed him with her red lipstick and killed him. She was then the most feared outlaw in the West.

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    May 2013

